Ok. iPad it out. Now what?
I have been listening to expert in the gadgets field. Some of then can’t wait to get one, others will wait for Version 02. There are many good point on both sides. For the ones that will wait, they mentioned the lack of camera or the lack of multiprocessing. Some hate the close environment of the device, basically you can’t install any application that you like like in a computer. But on the side of the people who can’t wait they say that it will change everything. That is an amazing device and for a great price.
My thought are mixed. And here is why. I would love for it to have a camera to video chat with my family that lives abroad. I would love the multi tasking, so I can work and listen to Pandora at the same time. But do I consider those improvements necessary: I don’t. In regards to the close environment, I DON’T CARE. I love the fact that I know someone is looking at the applications for performance and for any malignant code that can be inside of them. Every time I install something on my computer I wonder if they are stealing info for my computer. I don’t know. How can I check if the software is JUST doing what I was told it would do?
The 3G option is an option that is also a matter of consideration. Do I need it? Only if it works internationally. I have my iPhone to get my emails from anywhere I go. But for the iPad, where am I going to take it that does not have a wi-fi access? I keep thinking and can’t find a place. Maybe I am lucky that everywhere I go I can log to a wi-fi access.
I have a trip in April and I really can’t wait to get one. No heavy or large laptop to carry. Just a thing screen where I can read, watch a movie, work a little if I want to and play games in a nice and large screen.
That is it. I am getting one.
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